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Quilt Norfolk - May 2017

We have just returned home from a fabulous week at the Norfolk Island Quilting Retreat. Twenty six participants flew in from Australia and New Zealand to enjoy 4 days of classes and the beautiful scenery that Norfolk has to offer.

The quilts, made in the two workshops, were designed especially for the retreat. Quilts from the first workshop feature the Lone Norfolk Pine stitched to rearranged hand painted fabric. Quilts from the second class feature an abstract rendition of the Island, using my 'Layer by Layer' techniques. As the participants tackled their quilts with enthusiasm and skill, there was lots of laughter and sharing, and of course, delicious lunches.

The Quilt Norfolk Team also arranged two very enjoyable dinners at local restaurants and worked very hard to ensure that everyone had a wonderful time.

The retreats are held twice a year. If you would like further information, check out their website

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